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Wow! 窩裏反了! April 30, 2018

Posted by hslu in 美國, Muslim, Religion, U.S. Foreign Policy.
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Source: Fox News

There is more!

source: Fox News

Last I checked, Palestinians, just like Saudi Arabians, are predominantly Sunni Muslims.

So, we have a sunni muslim nation supporting Israel and trashing a fellow Sunni muslim nation.


America the yoyo nation April 30, 2018

Posted by hslu in 特朗普, 美國, Democracy, Islam, Middle East, Military, Muslim, Obama, Trump, U.S. Foreign Policy, 川普, 民主.
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Left or right, make up your mind

Every four years, America elects a president and this guy for better or for worse determines which direction the country goes for the next four years. If he is re-elected, he has four more years to lead the country further down the same direction.

Obama, being black and one of the most liberal senators in the U.S. took America to the extreme left like no other president has ever done: gave away America’s leadership position in the world, adopted a leading from behind foreign policy, apologized for America’s past aggressions, downsized America’s military, pulled American troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, yielded to Iran, drew a red line in the sand and promptly humiliated himself, trashed Israel and Netanyahu, boosted America’s national debt, gave American’s auto companies billions of tax payers’s money, provided de facto amenesty for illegal immigrants, gave free birth control pills to women, promoted LBGT’s agendas and tried his hand on single payer health insurance policy.

Obama’s successes in accomplishing all these liberal agendas did exactly one thing for the United States: they paved the road for the rise of extreme conservatism and gave the White House to Trump.

Trump, with the support of his mostly blue-collar white followers, turned the left leaning liberal America completely upside down and dragged the country to the extreme right whether Americans liked it or not.

Trump, with less than 500 days in the office, wanted to build a wall to keep Mexicans and other illegal immigrants away, tried to stop Muslims from several countries from entering the U.S., boosted the budgets for the military, tried to repeal the Obamacare, cut taxes, bombed the hell out of Syria and a few other countries, started a trade war with many countries, wanted to get out of Iran deal, moved U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, got out of Paris agreement, discarded TPP, alienated every American allies, and threatened North Korea with a bigger nuke button.

America was a yoyo nation bouncing from extreme left to extreme right simply because a different person occupies that house in DC.

What crimes have American people committed on November 8, 2016 to deserve this kind of punishment?

And the worst of all this yoyoing in the name of democracy was that American people can’t stop this WH person from doing damages to the nation and they have no recourse for at least 2 years.

And what are looming from the dark alleys of Amerivan liberals now?

What else?

Move the yoyo nation to the extreme left of course.

Hello, people of the yoyo nation, do you feel dizzy, nausea and sick?

Do you want to puke? I have a bag for you.

Trump vs China April 30, 2018

Posted by hslu in China.
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沈建光先生敘說 1980 年代美國發起的美日貿易戰爭和廣場協議對日本政府的壓迫,對日本國民心態的負面影響和對日本股票,經濟和房地產長久的打擊。他認為中國應該用日本的教訓做一個借鏡,建議中國要步步為營,小心謹慎的面對美國的攻擊。

美國國勢雄厚,軍事力量全球第一,經濟和財政制裁威力無遠弗及,加上 Trump 和他的顧問反中意願非常強烈,後繼美國會有什麽樣的招式來對付中國,還要仔細的觀察。




中兴被罚是美国给中国企业的一个警告,也是美国杀一儆百的狠招。目前全球 5G 的發展正处于一個關鍵時刻,中國期望晶片自己生產的目標也面臨技術突破的瓶頸。制裁中興和華為就是為了打擊中國在5G這個重要領域的發展,也是拖延中國自己發展晶片的脚步。美國這一招非常陰險,非常歹毒,也顯現出中國科技仍然落後的窘境。



  • 这个挫折让中国政府明白自己的处境,同时也可以琢磨一下中国应该如何处理这个事件。
  • 中国需要依靠美国,而美国也一样要依靠中国。譬如:黄小玉,猪肉,牛肉都是中国从美国进口的大宗商品。
  • 苹果,波音和GM等等这些跨国公司都依赖中国市场来赚钱。
  • 中国的财经和保险业务都是美国公司想要参与的领域。
  • 另外,中国也可以逐步的把一些工业搬到国外,减少被美国制裁的机会。
  • 这些都是跟美国谈判的筹码。

The untold war between Israel and Syria April 29, 2018

Posted by hslu in 特朗普, 石油, 美國, Global Affair, Islam, Middle East, Military, Muslim, Russia, U.S. Foreign Policy, 一帶一路.
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Very few people in the U.S. know about the role played by Israel in the ongoing conflict between Russia and the United States in the Middle East theater.

Make no mistake: it is a proxy war between Russia and the US but fought by Assad’s Syria on one side and anti-government forces on the other.

Assad’s Syria is supported by Iran and Russia. The rebels are supported by the U.S. and Israel.

Dead on the killing field everyday are mostly Syrians but weapons and missiles come from Russia, Iran, Israel and the US.

Why is Israel so eager to join the fight and is it legal for Israel to bomb another nation?

Why do we have this war in the first place? Who started this war anyway? Is it another “nation building” project by the United States requested by one or more nations in the region? Will the new Saudi crown prince who was empowered by Trump join the conflict to exert his influence on the region?

Will the Syria war morph into a regional war and is it a prelude of an all out war in the entire Middle East?

What a mess.

Semiconductor industry in China – a long and challenging path April 29, 2018

Posted by hslu in China.
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Spreadtrum Communication

Amsterdam, the Netherland April 28, 2018

Posted by hslu in China.
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We came to New York in mid March and stayed for a month to see our two kids, their better halves and our granddaughter; not necessarily in that order though.

During our stay in NYC, we made a trip to Amsterdam to see the city of canals for an entire week.

Amsterdam is a unique city:

It has:

  • 165 canals;

Red light district

    • 1,000+ stone bridges;
    • 800,000+ bicycles with heavy duty locks of which 10,000 are still being stolen each year;

    A bucket for kids, groceries, bottled water, beer and dog. People use milk crate too.

    • designated bicycle lanes everywhere;
    • hundreds of bicyclists cruising to and from work who seem to have the right of way over padestriains,

    • very few fancy cars on the street in the center of the city;
    • electric powered narrow street cars on their own tracks;

    • majestic buildings everywhere;

    Momnument at Dam Square.

    The Dam Square

    • Amsterdam Central Station. A majestic and eautiful building.

    • 2nd rated fries with mayo instead of ketchup, pancakes, waffles, breads, gelatos, and endless sweets,
    • Fries with mayo which I refused to eat but one piece w/o the mayo.

    • Waffle with nutella

    • Thousands of restaurants and bars with modestly priced food on the menu,

    • Very expensive but extremely tiny rooms in the center of the city,
    • many world famous museums;
    • a small Chinatown,

    • Home of Heineken beer;

    • Cruise boats filled with tourists on the canal all day and well into the night;

    • Houses with smaller windows at the top to make these houses look bigger,

    • Anarrow houses with fancy gables of all types and shapes each equipped with a winch to move big furnitures to rooms in the upper floors;
    • 2,500 canal houses with their own addresses, electric supply, plumbing and sewage lines,

    • legalized sex workers in the red light district,
    • legalized weed consumptions in bars, shops and on the street,
    • 2nd hand weed smoke on the street whether you want it or not, and
    • many people of the same sex holding hands in public.

    World famous museums include the Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum and Anne Frank House,

    Rijksmuseum is the grandest museum in the Netherland with many historic art by Vermeer, Frans Hals, and perhaps most notably Rembrandt’s ‘The Night Watch’, which takes pride of place in a beautifully lit hall allowing visitors to enjoy every tiny detail. Learn more about

    Van Gogh Museum
    479 reviews
    The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam is one of the most popular museums in the world, attracting visitors from every corner of the globe. Naturally, this is in large part due to it housing the largest collection of works by Vincent van Gogh – more than 200 paintings, 500 drawings and 700 of his letters. Having originally opened on Museumplein in 1973, the Van Gogh Museum has been expanded and modernised over the years, ensuring it’s a truly cutting-edge exhibition and visitor space.

    Anne Frank House
    Anne Frank is one of Amsterdam’s most well known former residents. The Anne Frank House at Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam is where she lived in hiding with her family for more than two years during World War II. Now converted into a museum it contains a sobering exhibition about the persecution of the Jews during the war, as well as discrimination in general.

    Canal cruising
    Canal cruising: On the water in Amsterdam

    Amsterdam is intimately connected with water. Its 165 canals were created over the centuries to stimulate trade and transport and reclaim land to expand the city.

    Take a canal boat tour in Amsterdam
    Besides providing a stunning backdrop to the city’s historical centre, floating down Amsterdam’s canals is one of the most memorable ways to discover the city’s sights and attractions. Whether you’re a first-time or frequent visitor, everything in Amsterdam seems a bit more magical when viewed from a boat.

    A few of the best-known operators include Stromma, Blue Boat, and Lovers.

    The red light district consists of a network of streets and alleys containing several hundred small, one-room apartments rented by sex workers who offer their services from behind a window or glass door, typically illuminated with red lights.

    artistic heritage, elaborate canal system and narrow houses with gabled facades,

    Cycling is key to the city’s character, and there are numerous bike paths.Stroll through Amsterdam’s charming Canal District and discover the city’s hidden gems.

    若要人不知,除非己莫為 April 28, 2018

    Posted by hslu in 特朗普, 美國, Trump, 川普.
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    Source: Vanity Fair

    Flight Records Illuminate Mystery of Trump’s Moscow Nights


    Trump’s denial of his golden shower experience in Moscow might be another of his lies after all.

    Trump will for sure continue to deny his involvement in the “Golden Shower” saga. But, little by little, drip followed by more drips, Trump will be surprised one of these days again.

    Just wait, reporters of the America’s liberal media are very resourceful. They’re good at chasing down leads for exclusive information on this explosive news.

    Some day, Trump might see a fat and naked old guy on TV surrounded by a few beautiful girls in a hotel room.



    La Paella, Amsterdam April 28, 2018

    Posted by hslu in China.
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    The world famous red light district of Amstetdam is a mere 5-minute walk from the central station in the city center of Amsterdam.

    We took a half-day Kuekendof tour on a sunny afternoon and got back in town a little after 7 pm. Our bus dropped us off across the street from the central station which put us right in front of the red light district.

    Amsterdam’s red light district, I was told, has 200+ sex workers who are sanctioned by the government and are allowed to offer their services from behind ~3′ wide windows or glass doors. On the outside of thse windows/glass doors, a dim red light at the top of the window illuminates the narrow allies in the red light district and invites curious tourists to take a peek of what’s going on here.

    Tourists flocking the narrow allies of Amsterdam’s red light district.

    Famous Amsterdam canals in the evening.

    These red light windows are in the corridors around an old but empty church.

    It was a very busy Saturday night and many restaurants and bars were packed with young and sometimes rowdy customers. We hardly saw any kids here which was understandable. Tables and chairs lined both sides of the walkways offering a relaxed setting for a good time, a wonderful meal and a memoriable evening.

    We chose a tapas restaurant not far from Dam Square and we weren’t disappointed. The restaurant was busy, service was timely, the food was great, wines and drinks flowed freely, the atmosphere was warm and the setting was cozy.

    We could see what the chefs were doing from the outside. The kitchen was clean and the chefs inside worked like pros.

    Waiting for our drinks.

    The crowd in front of the restaurant.

    One of many artworks in the dining room.

    Here are what we have ordered:

    Bread with garlic butter.

    Sangria: 1/2 carafe

    Chorizo espanol: great with sangria.

    Roasted mushroom in garlic butter. Lots of shallots and garlic and the mushrooms were soaked in butter. The way it should be.

    Stuffed peppers: unlike the ones we’ve had before. Very rich, very tempting and very good with bread.

    The whole shabang and, IMO, the best paella on the menu. When the restaurant is called La Paella, we know that we have to try one. We had the classic valenciana paella. Lots of seafood and well seasoned Valencian rice.

    We skipped Creme brulee and went for banana flambre in rum thinking about table side service with lots of brown sugar and plenty of rum. Well, that wasn’s what we got. Even though we did have flame for about 5 seconds. Disappointed. But I knew that list price on the menu was way to low for a real flame show.

    BTW, it was awful: watery, a few pieces of banana, sugary and a complete waste of money.

    Well, it was a dessert.

    But, don’t make the same mistake I made.

    HS education in the US: an example of disgrace April 28, 2018

    Posted by hslu in 美國, education, Social Issues.
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    Where did it happen:

    Westside High School of the Duval County Public Schools in Jacksonville, Florida

    What was it about:

    A question in the 11th-grade’s practice test for the upcoming anatomy exam

    And the question was:

    Source: Fox News, First Coast News


    The situation described in this district-wide test question, I submit to you, sadly reflects the culture of HS students not only in Duval County of Florida but also in every school districts of the United States of America.

    Why did the Duval County School District choose this kind of social setting for the test question in the first place?

    Because it reflects what’s going on among these teenagers and they can relate to it personally.

    Do you have kids at home? If you do, you should be worried.

    Finally, I have to admit that I do not know the answer of this question.

    值得嗎? April 28, 2018

    Posted by hslu in Life in Taiwan, Travel, 台灣, 林口.
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    這是林口三井 outlet 樓下甜品區的照片。這一家在 Jason Market 邊上擺攤子的這一家好像是新開的,因為我們兩個月去紐約前沒有看過。



    他們在等買一盒可頌 (croissant) 的機會。以每個人兩,三分鐘來估計,你如果發了瘋現在去排隊,至少一個鐘頭以後才輪到你。







    等一下送太太去看看,一盒 croissant 要多少錢?

    太太回來報告:八月堂昨天才開門。一盒八個 croissant,新臺幣 240 元到新臺幣 400 元。