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A new world order is emerging June 11, 2017

Posted by hslu in 美國, Global Affair, Globlization, Middle East, Military, Muslim, Obama, Trump, U.S. Foreign Policy.
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A matter of fact discussion of shifting of the balance of power in the world is clearly stated in the following article. 

The end of the Anglo-American order? – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-40227270

American exceptionism is fading because Trump has been building a wall to isolate the U.S. from its former allies while digging a hole to bury the America alive. Of course, we can not forget Obama’s ‘appeasing’ foreign policy and the wars the U.S. have been and still are wagging against Muslim countries.

The American century will not be seen again and a new world order has already taken shape without Trump and the U.S.. 

Some highlights from the article are here:

America the hyprocrite June 5, 2017

Posted by hslu in 美國, Global Affair, Islam, Middle East, Military, Muslim, Obama, Trump, U.S. Foreign Policy.
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It’s about time that America stops being a hypricote and a snob of the world.

The reason is simple: America hasn’t followed the ‘America value’ when dealing with its own citizens and other nations in the world.

Let’s face it, America for years has violated human rights at home and at many areas in the world. It has never earned the respect from other nations for being the holder of the standard of justice. But America continues to claim moral highground and self-rightousness while criticize other nations, almost 200 nations in 2013, for human rights violations without uttering a word of its own transgressions.

Over the years America was pround of itself for having laws and hiring quotas to prevent social injustice against minorities. But what actaully happens in everyday life in the United States tells a vastly different story. Racial discriminations and mis-treatments against blacks, Latinos, Muslims and Asians at work and in public in the U.S. are everyday occurances. Police brutalities against blacks are sometimes deliberate, always troublesome and widely seen on TV by millions of people around the world. 

Source: BBC News

Source: BBC News

When appearing in front of a mic or a video camera, many white American politicians (and talk show hosts and entertainers) are die hard human right defenders. In private, they often show their true colors as racists and look down on other races. 
Remembered what B. Clinton said to T. Kennedy and what H. Reid said in private about Obama? If you don’t or choose to ignor them, let me remind you for the sake of human rights in America. Their comments sadly illustrate ‘white supremacy’ mentality ingrained in the American culture. 

First, this shows what B. Clinton said about Obama to T. Kennedy:

Source: the Gateway Pundit

This shows what H. Reid thought of Obama:

To further illustrate this point, one can clearly see ‘white supremacy’ in the following picture which shows the confirmed members of Trump’s cabinets: 13 white males (72%), 4 women (22%) and one black (6%.)

Source: Alternet.

Other actions by the U.S. government against its own citizens and other people of the world include massive cyber survaliance on emails and cellphones of common U.S. citizens and many if not all world leaders and the use of torture at Abu Ghraib.

Trump’s executive order on travel bans to the U.S. from several muslim countries and building a physical wall along the U.S. and Mexico border were blatant violations of human rights against muslims and Latinos. The real sad truth about Trump’s action was that the same sentiments are shared by millions of Americans who helped elect Trump to become the 45th preident of the U.S. in the first place.

And what has America done to secure its national interests in the world in the past? With its massive military machines, of course. The purpose of U.S. military in any conflict is to secure dominance in air, sea, land and space. To support this objective, America has deployed in more than 150 countries and has at least 662 overseas bases in 38 foreign countries plus many others in Iraq and Afghanistan.  

While banishing other countries for their poor human right records, oppressed actions against their own citizens by autocratic monarchy governments in the Middle East were conviniently and unabashedly brushed aside by the U.S. government because many of these Islamic countries are strategic partners of the U.S. in the Middle East. America often criticizes its enemies for their poor records on human right violations but dismisses equally bad actions by their friends.

Many military actions and missile and drone attacks taken by the U.S. military against other nations aren’t viewed as legitimate or morally defensible because they were carried out for American’s self interests. Most noticeable were America’s covert, but sometimes public, frequent, forceful and always deadly interventions in the Middle East over the past decades. Civilian deaths caused by American military machines have been ignored by the U.S. government because they were viewed as colleteral damages of American’s war on terror. In fact, US military forces have been responsible for thousands, possibly millions, of civilian deaths in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen and other regions around the world in the past decade. One might want to ask: ‘Has any of these countries invaded or attacked the United States?’

Over the past six or seven decades, America has done enough bad things around the world. Finally, it knew that the status quo can not continue. Obama’s leading from behind and Mr. Tillerson’s comments are proofs that America has finally realized that America’s glamour of self-righteousness is fast contracting. Its aggressive military and political interventions against many under-developed nations have created enough enemies for the most powerful nation in the world. For that, America is now paying for the consequences. 

America’s march to the bottom continues.