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上引水產 January 29, 2018

Posted by hslu in China, Food, Life in Taiwan, Restaurants, 台灣, 台北.
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第一次是我們自己慕名而來,是在海產店中央的一個餐館站著吃的。排隊等了二十幾分鐘,許多觀光客來來往往,擠得要死,好不容易才有兩個位置給我們。點了菜以後,跟其他的客人一樣,大家站滿了一排,跟櫃檯後面的壽司師傅,面對面,眼對眼,一面看他們準備東西,一邊喝日本清酒,喝湯,吃菜,抓著壽司,沾著醬油和 wasabi 吃的。

第二次帶朋友來,我們決定在水產市場裏挑了一些我們喜歡吃的東西,然後在市場外面,跟許多觀光客一樣,曬太陽,坐板凳,在木頭桌子上把買來的 packages 全部打開,攤在桌上,就著酸梅汁吃的。


雖然三次的 setting 不同,吃的東西也不一樣,花費當然大異,不過東西都很好吃。新鮮,好看,膽固醇高,燒烤,清蒸,生吃都適宜。吃完再走路把吃進去的東西消化掉。








小姐要我們自己弄新鮮的 wasabi。磨啊,磨啊,磨了半天沒磨多少出來,還累得要死。不過新鮮的 wasabi 好像沒有現成的沖鼻子。白忙了半天。

新鮮的 sashimi 和海鮮,擺了一大盤,八九樣,東西不少。三人份的。光把這些吃完就飽了一半了。



這是我們在 VA 買不到的水蓮的杆杆。清脆,好吃,多纖維,低能量。只要一點點鹽就夠了。它有一個很嚴肅的名字:龍骨瓣莕菜。它實際上是水蓮的細長杆子。台灣的美濃特產。



新鮮的蝦子,過油,然後和蒜頭爆炒。一級棒。Crestor 都要多吃一顆。三個月吃一次應該沒有太大問題吧。

好菜也要好酒配。吉乃川(酒廠)的”雪中儲藏”吟醸是日本新潟縣,魚沼市,須原鄉出產的。酒精成分大概13%。此酒清香,順口。這種酒,吟釀,是把米的外面 40% 那一層去掉以後去做的。”雪中儲藏”就是酒做好了以後,在雪下的儲藏室內過冬。市場上大概 $450 新臺幣左右。


“Stormy” in the 1st family January 27, 2018

Posted by hslu in 特朗普, 美國, 川普.
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你想想,”Sex, Lies, Hush Money and Fake News” 這個火爆的標題怎麽能夠讓一般的美國人放得下呢?












Yi Yang,Mandarin Oriental, Sanya January 20, 2018

Posted by hslu in China, Chinese Food, 美國, Restaurants, Travel, 中國.
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We came to Sanya, Hainan, for five nights to see what all the fuss of this popular winter destination in Southern China was about. We stayed at Mandarin Oriental for two nights and ate dinner at its Chinese restaurant, Yi Yang 倚洋, on the first night.

We ordered room service on the second night.

If I have to guess, Yi Yang, 倚洋, means “close to the ocean.” It is a cozy and stylish Chinese restaurant with wooden ceiling, hardwood tables and chairs, amber lighting and spacious seatings just a stone throw away from the ocean. The restaurant is surrounded on the outside by tall palm trees, dim courtyard lights and a couple of very large swimming pools. Far away on the other side of the Dadonghai Bay (大東海灣) was glittering lights from several restaurants and a few luxury hotels.

Yi Yang offers authentic Cantonese cuisine with lobsters, steamed fish, large crabs, jumbo shrimps, roast ducks, roast pork, dim sum and several Hainan dishes.

Mandarin Oriental also offered a seafood restaurant but we couldn’t secure a reservation at the time of our preference.

Yi Yang is on the ground floor of the main building.

Pavillion is a causal place near by to enjoy a quiet evening with a glass of red wine, tea or a cup of coffee.

Several facilities were closed on the day when we were there. Slow nights.

Private dinning rooms, called 包廂, are located along the long hall way which leads to the restaurant.

Set menu: 濛濛細雨. 998 renminbi.

Abalones are not my favorites

Authentic local Hainan specialities.

The waiting area by the restaurant entrance

All vegetarian appetizers.

Steamed buns with salted egg yolk and creamy custard.

Stir fried prawns with wulong tea leaves

Sweet and sour deep fried riblets with strawberries.

Hainan lotus flower stems 海南莲藕花梗, a dish we’ve never had before.

We took our time and enjoyed each dish of a light meal on a memorable evening. The restaurant was stylish. The service was professional. The staff was warm. The surroundings were serene. The beautiful Dadonghao Bay in the Hainan Island served as the perfect backdrop of our time together.

Wish we could stay here longer.

美國政客:一丘之貉 January 20, 2018

Posted by hslu in China.
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With government shutdown, Republicans reap what they sow


Source: Flipboard

We used to live in northern Virginia in a picturesque wooded community called Great Falls. It is a small bedroom enclave about 20 minutes from Washington D.C., the power center of the United States. Whenever we need to go to D.C., we’ll take the Dulles Airport tollroad and I-66 East which will take us directly to the Constituion Avenue in the heart of the district.

Less than a mile or so into D.C., you’ll see Albert Einstein Memorial, National Academy of Sciences and White House on you left, Vietnan Memorial, Washington Momument and Smithsonian museums on your right. The Constitution Ave then merges into the Pennsylvania Avenue which takes us to “The Hill,” or “一丘之貉“的”,” officially known as the Capitol Hill.

At this moment, a brief background of “一丘之貉” is needed here. “一丘之貉‘s is a meat-eating basal animal commonly called raccoon dog. It likes to climb trees and eats insects, rodents, amphibians, birds, fish, reptiles, fruits, nuts and berries. means small hill which I have talked about earlier.一丘之貉” literally means all raccoon dogs which live in the same hill, or jackals from the same lair. People of the same ink.? Schumer shutdown” and, essentially, they’re right. Chuck Schumer and his fellow Democrats (with the help of a few Republicans) blocked a bill that would have kept the government open – at least temporarily. rump shutdown Democrats will argue that they had a deal with the president on their bipartisan compromisethat included immigration reform – only to have him backaway during that fateful obscenity-laden Oval Office meeting last week. Republicans will frame this as liberals putting undocumented immigrant protections over military readiness Republicans will frame this as liberals putting undocumented immigrant protections over military readiness and health insurance for poor kids. The blame game began at midnight, and the winner has yet to be decided. Generally, theloser in these types of showdowns is the party entering the fight with the lowest popularity – bad news for Mr Trump and the Republicans. The good news, for both sides, is that their political bases will be thrilled they are playing hardball. Midterm election years,like 2018, tend to encourage this kind of rally-the-base manoeuvres. US budget must be approved by 1 October – the start of the federal financial year. But Congress has often failed to meet this deadline and negotiations continue well into the new year, with the previous year’s funding to federal agencies extended on a temporary basis. Because Congress failed to agree an extension that would have maintained government funding through to 16 February, it means many federal agencieseffectively closed for business as of 00:01 Saturday (05:01 GMT). Most staff in the departments of housing, environment, education and commerce will be staying at home on Monday.Half of workers in the treasury, health, defence and transportation departments willalso not be going to work. Visa and passport processing could also be delayed, and some national monuments, including New York’s Statue of Liberty, have already been closed. But essential services that protect “life or human property”will continue, including nationalsecurity, postal services, air traffic control, inpatient medicalservices, emergency outpatient medicine, disaster assistance, prisons, taxation and electricity generation. And the Trump administration said it planned to keep nationalparks open – their closure in the2013 shutdown provoked an angry public reaction. The shutdown began on the first anniversary of President Trump’s inauguration. He has delayed a trip to his Florida resort where he is due to hostparty – with attendees paying as much as $250,000 (£180,000; €204,500) – to mark the event. What happened during the 2013 shutdown? Many federal employees were forced to take a leave of absence – officially known as being furloughed – during the 16 days of shutdown. some 850,000 employees were off work each day. It cost the government $2bn in lost productivity and ledto “significant negative effects on the economy”, the OMB saidat the time. Donald Trump, interviewed by Fox and Friends at the time, laidthe blame for the shutdown with the then president, BarackObama. “The problems start from the top and have to get solved fromthe top,” he said. “The president is the leader, and he’s got to geteverybody in a room and he’s got to lead.” is the first time that a budget impasse has led to a shutdown when both chambers of Congress and theWhite House are controlled by the same party – the Republicans.

坑人 January 18, 2018

Posted by hslu in Economics, Life in Taiwan, Taiwan, 台灣, 林口.
1 comment so far

要不要借錢?給你30天,只要 3 分利。隨時要,隨時有。

3 分利就是你借一萬,付我利息三百,也就是 3% 利息的意思。


不過,請你不要高興的太早。3 分利是一個月百分之三的意思。不是一年 3%。


$300 x 12 = $3,600

也就是一年利息 36% 的意思。


40年前,我就知道 3 分利,現在還有。看來台灣這四十幾年沒有進步什麼。


Beautiful: The Entire Known Universe in a Single Image January 17, 2018

Posted by hslu in Knowledge, Science.
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This Is What The Entire Known Universe Looks Like in a Single Image


美國白老頭吵架,全世界看他們丟臉 January 16, 2018

Posted by hslu in 美國, Trump, US Government, 川普.
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華盛頓 DC 腰帶公路裏面的幾個白老頭吵了起來,美國又內戰了。









川普在討論美國移民法案的會議上說:所有非洲國家,海地和薩爾瓦多都是 “shithole“.

那 “shithole” 是什麼呢?Shit 是糞便的意思。 Hole 是洞的意思 簡單來說,”shit” 加上 “hole” 就是一個”大糞坑“的意思。

你應該記得,1970 年代,尼克森做美國總統的時候,有個”水門事件”吧。後來鬧來鬧去,尼克森被迫辭職,下台鞠躬了。

我們姑且叫 Trump 的 “shitholegate” 爲”川普大糞坑門“吧。這個名詞即生動,又好記,相當切實,更讓人忘不了。






那川普有沒有說非洲國家,薩爾瓦多和海地是 shithole 呢?


當然,有些人不同意。把川普在白宮附近擁有的一間旅館變成 shithole.






自助餐,三亞文華東方 January 14, 2018

Posted by hslu in China, Food, Travel, 中國.
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Mandarin Oriental’s breakfast buffet is one of the best hotel breakfast buffets we’ve ever had. The setting was nice. The wait staff was courteous. The seating was spacious and comfortable. The view of the ocean was beautiful. The serving area was open and clean. The food was fresh and gorgeous.

Seatings by the pool were nice.

 Mandarin Oriental, Sanya January 14, 2018

Posted by hslu in China, Travel, 中國.
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I have always wanted to stay at Mandarin Oriental (文華東方酒店) because I considered it a symbol of luxury. I also like its logo (中國扇子) and the connection of the brand to “mandarin” and “oriental”. In Chinese, mandarin means 國語 or 普通話. Oriental, of course, means 東方.

I guess I am a little biased.

We were in Sanya for five nights and we’ve had a very good time at Sanya 鳳凰島 for the first three nights. Since we had to stay somewhere for our next two days in Sanya, why not Mandarin Oriental?

Mandarin Oriental Sanya is located in the exclusive Dadonghai (大東海) area of Sanya. It is more centrally located than the bigger Yalongwang (亞龍灣) to the immediate east and the much bigger but further away Haitangwan (海棠灣) to the northeast. Unlike the 天涯區 and 天涯灣 where locals and most tourists congregate, hotels in these areas are gated, luxurious, and reclusive.

After we checked out of 鳳凰島,we asked out driver to take us around the area so that I could have a first hand impression of the city, its people, the island, the buildings and the general activities around the town. Unfortunately the weather didn’t cooperate because it rained the entire two and half hours while we were in the car.

Our driver was the uncle of the taxi driver who took us to 鳳凰島 from Sanya airport. His uncle worked for didi rental but catered to tourists who requested his service through private channels. he used to drive a taxi for a taxi company. He then bought a car and listed it car with a taxi company. When didi rental came along about three years ago, he signed up with didi and now worked for himself.

He has a house in his hometown about 25 minutes away and an apartment in downtown Sanya which has grown ~10x in value. He worked 7 to 9 hours a day and takes 2 days off every week.

Well, sorry for the digress.

The moment we stepped out of the taxi, we were greeted by two very beautiful ladies who put a gorgeous floral garland over our heads and welcomed us to stay with them. They escorted us to the lobby, asked us to relax on a sofa and offered us a cup of their jasmine tea. One of the ladies then bought the check-in form for us to sign and told us about the rules of the swimming pools, operating hours of the restaurants and details of our breakfast buffet in the morning.

I have upgraded our room to one with ocean view and we were informed of the upgrade when she asked me to sign my name on the dotted line. She also asked for ¥3,000 deposit on a credit card to cover for services like mini bar, drinks and dinner.

Once we checked in, we were driven to our cottage in the woods via an electric shuttle cart. Our driver bought in our luggage into our room and showed us the facility, way to operate the blinds, the tub on the balcony and the living quarter.

The first thing we did after he left was to open the window and check out the ocean. Unfortunately all we saw was a lot of trees and a few patches of beaches and ocean through the foliage. We were very disappointed. We checked with the front desk and told her our disappointment and she agreed to waive the upgrade charge which we thought was fair.

For the next two days, we just stayed at the hotel, walked our 10,000 steps each day, ate breakfast buffet in the morning, had simple but healthy lunch, dined at the restaurants in the compound, strolled the beach, marveled at the night sky

hotel lobby is up there.

Night scene at the beach.

Sunset along the beach.

These are condos.


Hotel has four or five swimming pools.


非常暇意。無所事事。有點像度假。早上不用六點半集合。吃飯可以慢慢吃。白天不用趕巴士。Relaxed with no bus to catch, no half hour breakfast. No luggage to pack in the morning. Fells like vacation.

這就是海景房。好在沒有多加錢。This is ocean view. No extra cost for us.


這就是大東海海灣。Dadonghai Bay.

The cottage.

Play area. Too small though.

One of the swimming pools is heated.


More swimming pool.

A nice place to have an afternoon coffee or tea.

好市多 vs Costco January 14, 2018

Posted by hslu in Chinese Food, Culture, Life in Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, 台灣, 台北.
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you know Costco well. Been there many times. Spent thousands of dollars buying steaks, baby back ribs, chicken breasts, milk, eggs, paper plates. toilet tissues, breads, cakes, paper towers, cokes, bottled water, fertilzers, grass seeds, shoes, socks, underwears, candies, chips, fresh vegetables, fruits, shrimp cocktails, salmon, paper plates, plastic cups, ziplock bags, TVs, cameras, PCs. Laptops and a lot of other items.

    A variety of sushi is sold here in nice packages.

    The meat section is standard any where you go.

    Just your regular Costco interior.

    But, have you ever bought any of these items from Costco or 好市多, as it is called in Taiwan.

    Take a look:

    This dish is so good that a buhhda will jump over the wall to get a taste.

    Famous 江浙菜 called mei gan kou rou.


    Ramen Japanese style. Not instand noodle.

    Roast beef noodles Sichrun style.

    Lamb pot.

    Xiaolong bao.

    Mala soup.

    Pan fried beef cake.

    Northeast China sour cabbage hot pot.

    Ginger duck soup: very popular in the winter time.

    Braised beef briskets.

    Very expansive mixed seafood hot pot

    Fish head in clay pot. This picture looks bad.

    Braised pork belly.

    Lion’s heads: ground pork meat balls with Chinese cabbage.

    There you have it. Would you like to try them out? I haven’t.