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China and India’s tech workers in Silicon Valley October 30, 2019

Posted by hslu in China, 特朗普, 美國, 習近平, education, Trade, Trump, 中國.
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Why China’s tech workforce can’t gain traction in Silicon Valley

by Mark Magnier; Inkstone



I thought the article is fair and quite balanced and it spells out the weakness of China’s tech workers who are trying to make it in the U.S.

I agree with many points mentioned in this article on China’s tech workers not able to make it in Silicon Valley as well as their Indian counterparts. I believe specifically that these Chinese tech workers are Chinese students who came from China, graduated from American universities and worked primarily for software companies in the Valley. I’ll go one step further and say that what this article addresses about Chinese workers more or less happens in other industries in America too.

China’s rise threatens America’s leadership position in the world which makes American companies’ CEO, majority of them white males, nervous. Trump’s trade war and immigration policy don’t help either.

Most alarming to me is the facts that, I quote “Students, professors and researchers of Chinese descent face growing suspicion as potential spies.”

Will China invade Taiwan? October 26, 2019

Posted by hslu in China, 美國, 習近平, 蘇俄, Military, Taiwan, 台灣, 中國.
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Could China Really Invade and Take Over Taiwan by Force?

Imagining this:
Some time after the unlikely event of a DPP’s win of the upcoming presidential election in early 2020, be it one month, one year or two years, China announces that it has taken over the islands of Jinmeng (金門) and Mazhu (馬祖) after a bloodless invasion overnight. Penghu (澎湖) is the next target. Plans for a full-scale invasion of the island of Taiwan have long been drawn up but the invasion isn’t on the table just yet.
China also announces that “Operation Cutting the Head of;斬首行動” has begun. In the same announcement, China says that this is an internal affair and it warns other country to staying clear of seas surrounding the island. In other words, an areal and a sea blockades are in effect immediately.
What will the U.S. do?More sanctions against China? Propose to sell more defensive weapons to Taiwan? Send in an additional aircraft carriers to the Eastern Pacific Ocean? In other words, possibly not much different from Obama’s responses against Russia after invasion of Crimea.
What will Taiwan’s official response be? Declare independence and activate military reserves? Ask the U.S.to send in more marines to Taipei?
What willTsai Yingwen and DPP top officers’ next move be?Fly to Japan, hide in Japan’s official office in Taipei or send Mayingjiu to Beijing to negotiate a surrender to PLA in secret?
Will Taiwan’s stock market drop 65% overnight? Maybe it is 75% instead.
This will definitely qualify as a “black swan” for the stock markets around the world.
Are you prepared for it?