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Nation building or destruction? September 30, 2015

Posted by hslu in Cold War, Global Affair, Islam, Middle East, Military, Muslim, Obama, Putin.
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America wants Syria’s al-Assad out of power because al-Assad is a friend of Iran.

America, under Obama’s twist logic, didn’t face ISIS head on in the beginning because Obama wanted to use ISIS to get rid of al-Assad so that America can achieve its objective w/o actually commit any force on the ground.

Well, Obama’s strategy didn’t work: 1. al-Assad Is still in power,
2. ISIS got stronger because they took over American weapons left behind by the fleeing Iraqi soldiers, 3. hundreds of thousands of innocent people got killed by American drones and fighter jets,
4. Europe got more immigrants thanit can handle, and
5. Russia’s Putin got a perfect excuse To send in Russian tanks, fighter jets, ground troops and Naval vessels.
6. Even China’s air carrier got a chance to practice its war fighting plans.

What does Obama have to say at UN other than admiting defeat? Well, he said that US is no longer the super power of the past years and begged other nations in the world to help the U.S. because America can’t do everything by itself anymore.

Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be.
