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肯亞將用肯亞先令購買沙烏地的石油產品 April 19, 2023

Posted by hslu in 石油, 美國, 美國, Energy, Middle East, Oil, Travel, U.S. dollar.
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Kenya signs oil deals with ADNOC and Saudi Aramco to curb FX pressure

Kenya 肯亞這個國家,聽過吧?沒錯,就是東非州的肯亞。一個不算太大,人口很少,經濟不怎麼發達,國際地位不怎麼高的一個第三世界,未開發的國家。







Photo Source:https://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/kenya.htm

View of Mount Kilimanjaro from Amboseli National Park in southern Kenya. The dormant volcano is located in Tanzania
Image: Sergey Pesterev

肯亞還有一個專長是世界聞名的:長跑和田徑運動。舉凡世界有名的長距離賽跑:奧林匹克 800米,1500米,3000米,5000米和10000米,波士頓,紐約和倫敦馬拉松,等等,肯亞的男女運動員都得過比賽的冠軍。許多人還是世界紀錄的保持者。在2008年的北京奧林匹克運動會,肯亞的男女選手贏了6面金牌,4面銀牌和4面銅牌。肯亞是當之無愧非洲表現最好的國家。他們在長距離賽跑的世界舞臺上是獨一無二的。




你知道嗎,前幾天沙烏地阿拉伯的石油公司Saudi Aramco答應接受肯亞的貨幣,Kenyan Shillings先令,來購買沙烏地的石油產品。肯亞的貨幣代碼為KES,他的符號是KSh。UAE’s ADNOC石油公司也跟肯亞簽了類似的先令換石油的協議。






雖然美國可能認爲失去這一點點美金微不足道,可是它帶來的後續影響和背後深藏的意義遠遠大於肯亞每年的$36億美金將不再在世界經濟裏流通。沙烏地不願意留美金,因爲它怕美國制裁。MBS的億萬財產也怕被美國沒收。肯亞先令沒有什麼大用,不過比美金要安全多了。MBS跟拜登作對了好幾年,拜登已經對他很不滿意了。MBS違背美國的石油美元指令,難道美國不會制裁沙烏地阿拉伯和它的幾十個富可敵國的王子?美國要沒收MBS的財產輕而易舉,只要拜登一句話就可以付諸實施。MBS一點辦法,一點警告都沒有。MBS的全名是 Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud ,他是沙烏地阿拉伯的王子,是沙烏地地位國王。他的千億資產恐怕不少都是美金。他最近的這幾個晚上睡覺時恐怕睡的也不怎麼安穩。



China’s Xi vows to buy more Mideast oil as US focus wanes December 10, 2022

Posted by hslu in 石油, 美國, 習近平, Energy, Middle East, Oil, One Belt One Road, Putin, Renminbi, Russia, U.S. dollar, U.S. Foreign Policy, 中國, 中東.
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https://news.yahoo.com/arab-leaders-saudi-arabia-chinese-113336617.html Chinese leader Xi Jinping vowed on Friday to import more oil and natural gas from energy-rich Gulf Arab states while not interfering in their affairs, likely s…

Will the US dollar hegemony be a thing of the past after Xi Jinping concludes his state visit to the Saudi Arabia?

It’s very likely even though it will take some time. It’s only a matter of “when” now.

All of this because of Putin. He started the first move with the natural gas Ruble and he alone accelerated the pace of the US dollar’s demise. China helped Putin by standing behind him with China’s economic prowess.

Biden went to Saudi Arabia in July 2022. He landed in Jeddah but MBS didn’t go to the airport to welcome him. Instead, MBS received Biden at local governor’s palace and gave Biden a fist bump. Biden was there to ask for more Saudi oil. He begged but MBS refused. Biden went home humiliated.

Xi Jinping went to Saudi Arabia and landed in the capital, Riyadh. MBS escorted Xi’s car to king Salman’s palace using Saudi Royal Guard riding on Arabian horses, signed a “comprehensive strategic partnership agreement” with China, gave Xi a Huawei contract, and welcomed Xi Jinping with a royal banquet.

Why did Xi Jinping go to Saudi Arabia?

Why did Saudi publicly and deliberately display such a different treatments extended to Xi Jinping and Biden?

Why would MBS humiliate Biden? Are China and Saudi Arabia so closely allied that Saudi Arabia is no longer afraid of America’s revenge?

Finally, is Saudi Arabia finally ready to dump the US dollar and start the new era of Petro Yuan?

Not too long ago, Iraq’s Saddam Hussein wanted to trade oil for Euros instead of the US dollars. Libya’s Colonel Gaddafi in 2009 sconthattinentuggested to the States of the African   they should switch to a new currency, independent of the US dollar: the gold dinar. America sanctioned both countries and Hussein and Gaddafi died in part because they threatened the US dollar hegemony.

Saudi Arabia and its allies used to control a big chunk of the oil exports in the world. The US has relied on Saudi oil for much of the past 50 years. After the US shale oil revolution briefly took America’s oil production rate to over 12 million barrels per day in 2019; highest in the world, America began to import less oil from Saudi Arabia, considered the Middle Eastern oil less important and started to treat Saudi Arabia more like an adversary than an important ally. America, under Biden, also worked closely with Iran, an enemy to the Saudi Arabia, and re-started the nuclear treaty negotiation with Iran.

At the same time, oil imports from China began to rise dramatically and China has become the top importer of Saudi Arabia’s oil.

All these developments in the past 6 years have pushed Saudi Arabia and China into a partner by necessity. Finally the Ukraine war and the financial and currency sanctions Biden put on Putin and Russia became the straw which broke the camel’s back.

I have expected Petro Yuan for many years and it finally has a chance to become reality. China and Saudi have discussed this issue for six years according to some reports but Saudi has never pulled the trigger. Putin’s natural gas Ruble probably  gave Saudi the incentive to go ahead with the courage and determination.

I would like to see a joint statement between Xi and MBS on Petro Yuan after  Xi Jinping concludes his state visit to the Saudi Arabia. In the not too distance future, demand of US dollar from foreign buyers will drop precipiteously and the US dollar will meet its demise and proper burial with crudes trading in Yuan, natural gas in rubles and countless countries trading other merchants using Yuan as well. BTW, these countries will no longer use SWIFT anymore. A new global financial messaging system for the BRICS countries, with 2 “i” and 2 “s”s, India and Iran, South Africa and Saudi Arabia, is ready to take the center stage.

Pretty soon the hegemony of the US dollar will be a thing of the past.