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從波音的吹哨人看中美博弈 March 21, 2024

Posted by hslu in China, 美國, 中國.
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波音飛機公司的吹哨人,62歲的 John Barnett,在律師事務所作證之後的第二天早上死了。當天還有一天的詢問,可是他沒有參加。警察說他在自己車裏開槍自殺了。John Barnett 的律師說,他跟波音公司的律師作證時顯得很輕鬆,精神狀態很好,沒有一點要自殺的跡象。

John Barnett 是波音公司的員工,在公司做了二十八年,於2017年退休。退休前,他做了十五年品質管制部門的經理,他多次發現波音公司生產飛機的過程不合標準,他告訴公司的高層,可是沒有得到上級的重視,所以他將波音這些危及公共安全的問題公諸於世。

上個禮拜五,波音公司的律師詢問 John Barnett 一整天。當時他的律師也在場。第二天輪到他的律師詢問,可是他沒有按時出席。警察發現他死在停在旅館停車場的車裏。從現場的跡象顯示,他像自殺身亡。可是 John Barnett 曾經跟一個女人說過,如果他死了,絕對不是自殺。至於他為什麼死在作證之間,沒有人知道。他的律師要求警方全力調查,找出真相,因為他的死因非常耐人尋味。

我當然不知道 John Barnett 為什麼自殺,可是我知道他做事的 Boeing 公司,也就是我曾經說過的《ABC》中間的B,已經變成一個偷工減料,破舊不堪,漏洞百出的老機器。波音的飛機在天上飛,飛機上的零件卻掉落了一地。


AB, or is it ABC?

《ABC》 的A是歐盟的 Airbus(空客),B是美國的 Boeing(波音),而C當然是中國的 COMAC(中國商用飛機公司)。


C919在2023年5月28日正式開始營運載客,中國也在盡力研究發展國產的CJ-1000A引擎來替代現在使用的,外國CFM LEAP 1C引擎。



John Barnett 的死有太多疑點,他的家人,他的朋友,他的律師恐怕會堅持讓調查局深入瞭解事實的真相,把波音的問題告訴波音飛機的旅客,讓他們知道事情的嚴重性,讓關心的人知道所有的隱情和它的來龍去脈。


1/05  阿拉斯加航空一架波音飛機機體外的面板脫落
1/13  日本ANA波音飛機飛行員前面窗戶破裂
1/19  Atlas 航空一架波音飛機因為引擎問題緊急著陸
1/20  Delta 航空一架波音飛機的前輪掉下來
1/20  聯合航空一架波音飛機起飛時輪胎爆裂
2/06  聯合航空一架波音飛機方向舵踏板在飛機降落時卡住
2/07  阿拉斯加航空一架波音飛機的機門在空中飛行時爆破。美國國家運輸安全局宣佈調查,可是因為入手不夠要等到八月才能開始。如此嚴重的失誤竟然要等五個月?
2/19  聯合航空一架波音飛機的翅膀在空中損壞
2/28  美國航空一架波音飛機飛行員前面的窗戶破裂


3/04  一架波音飛機的引擎著火,
3/07  一架波音飛機的輪胎掉下來,砸壞下面的汽車
3/08  一架波音飛機在跑道上行走時離開了跑道
3/11  一架波音787在發行中突然急速下降,造成數人碰到天花板而受傷
3/11   一架波音飛機液壓系統漏油

3/13  紐約時報報導FAA看到波音承包商Spirit AeroSystems的技工用肥皂液潤滑飛機門的螺栓
3/15   一架波音737飛到 Oregon 飛機場以後發現飛機肚子上的一塊面板遺失

波音最新的737 MAX飛機在2024年以前發生過更嚴重的飛難:
• 2018年10月,印度尼西亞Lion Air的一架波音737 MAX起飛後墜毀。189人死亡。波音公司總裁 Dave Calhoun 堅持737 MAX 的安全沒有問題。波音暗示飛行員有問題。

• 2019年3月,又一架波音737 MAX 飛機在衣索比亞墜毀,157人喪失生命。波音公司的 Calhoun 依然說波音737設計沒有任何問題。他堅持737 MAX 的安全不容置疑。可是經過調查發現波音737 MAX的設計有很嚴重的問題,美國國家運輸安全局才禁止737 MAX起飛。

• 證據顯示波音公司知道737 MAX 有問題,可是掩埋了證據,所以這些人才死無葬身之地。波音公司的總裁應該擔負法律責任,可是波音並沒有任何官員為這些死去的無辜的人坐牢。

•  2024年1月,737 MAX 又開始營業了。




從1992年蘇聯解體以後,美國變成世界第一的霸權和欺凌弱小國家的流氓。接下來, Osama bin Laden 在2001年9月11號把美國打趴在地上。美國為了維護它的顏面,發起了一系列打不贏的戰爭,拖垮了美國的經濟和財政。美國引起的2008年次貸危機和2009年的世界金融危機,不但把美國政府搞得焦頭爛額,還把美國的中產階級打入萬劫不復的貧民窟之中,永遠無法翻身。






C is here. Well, almost. May 8, 2017

Posted by hslu in China.
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I talked about A, B and C a while back; first on January 18, 2011 and later on September 3, 2015. 

A, of course, is Airbus, B is Boeing and C is COMAC, the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China. 

In both of my previous blogs, I kind of askedq one question: “Is C coming?”  

With yesterday’s event, the question now becomes: is C here yet?

So, what happened on Friday, 5/5/2017? 

The first commercial airplane manufactured by China’s Comac, officially called Comac 919, took its maiden test flight on Friday at Pudong International Airport in Shanghai.

As you can see, C919 isn’t ready for action yet. It is still three or four years away before flying passengers around the world. 

Source: BBC News.

Here are some informations about C919 which has received technical assistance from GE and Honeywell:

Source: 新民晚報

1。C919 is a narrow body, single-aisle twin-engine airplane, the most popular airplane in the sky. Capacity: 168 passengers. 

For comparison: Boing 737 family of airplanes: 85 to 225 passengers. Airbus A320: 150 passengers.

2。Range: 2,532 to 3,452 miles. Note: Beijing to Singapore: 2,786 miles.

3。Cost: ~$50 million USD vs $32 – $100 million for a Boeing 737 or about $100 million for Airbus A320. 

Commercial airplane manufacturing has been dominated by Boeing and Airbus for decades. Last Friday was the begining of a new chapter for the worldwide aerospace industry because a new kid came in town and one day will give its two much stronger and more advanced competitors a run for their money. For China, it’s an business opportunity it can’t afford not to get a piece of. It is also a big national security concern for the Chinese government to have its aerospace industry controlled by foreign governments. 

The development of C919 is a significant step for China in many respects.

Consider this: more than 31 years ago when I flew into Hongqiao Airport (虹橋飛機場) in western Shanghai with my Mom, the area around the airport was pitch dark because China was a third world country with intermitten supply of electricity. The streets of Shanghai were filled with millions of bicycles, buses and electric street cars. Chinese people lived on rationed rice, pork and cooking oil. Only three colors dominated the entire country: black, dark blue and grey. A university professor made ¥230 a month vs ¥170 for a factory worker. No private property was allowed and almost all people worked for the government. No skyscrapers in the city except those built in the 1920’s which escaped destruction during the 8-year China-Japan war. China was that poor. The lives of ordinary Chinese people were that miserable and things in China were downright hopeless.

None of that sorry chapter of the recent Chinese history matters any more. 

Look at China right now: 

Black and grey morphed into red and green and every color in between. Bicycles gave ways to millions of automobiles. Skyscrapers of every shapes and heights can be seen in cities big and small thought out China. This country is doing all it can to compete with the most powerful entities in the world in military, science, technology and, of course, aerospace. It will one day surpasses the United States and breaks down the hegemony laid out by the U.S. government and Wall Street bankers over the last 70 years.

The eventual launch of C919 is a snall step for China. C919 symbolizes the industry power of an emerging country and the drive behind one of the dreams of Chinese people: Made in China 2025.

The first C919 is only a test airplane but China already has received 570 orders of C919 from 23 buyers. Most came from Chinese domestic airline companies but GE has ordered 20 planes probably because GE is a big supplier to the C919 program.

After C919, Comac is looking into joint venture project with Russia on larger and more profitable wide-body airplanes such as Boeing’s 747 and airbus’s A340. That will be at least a decade away.

A,B & C September 3, 2015

Posted by hslu in China.
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I talked about A, B and C four years ago. A stands for Airbus. B stands for Boeing. Four years ago, C, which stands for COMAC, just got its start a few years back.


Fast forward four years to 2015, COMAC is getting close to introduce its first short range commercial aircraft, ARJ21. It is of course almost 50 years later than the 1968 introduction of Boeing’s 737 but it is a start.


Source: Website


Source: website

China still has a lot to learn and its inexperience in commercial aircraft development really shows on its struggle to solve a variety of problems found during test flights. For instance, it took a long four years for COMAC to resolve issues with the emergency landing gear system.

Addition, ARJ21 will face stiff competition not only from Airbus and Boeing but other mid-range aircraft manufactures as well: Japan’s Mitsubishi and Brazil’s Embraer S.A.

It appears that ARJ21’s success isn’t guaranteed just yet.

BTW, COMAC makes ARJ21 at a site in Shanghai’s Pudong International airport.






AB, or is it ABC? November 30, 2010

Posted by hslu in China, Economics, Global Affair, jobs.
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A stands for Airbus.

B, of course, is Boeing.

In a few year, AB will have a new competition and it is Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, or Comac.

And what kind of airplane does Comac make? The answer is C919, a 160-seat single aisle air plane.

For many decades, Boeing’s 737 single aisle air plane has been the the bread and butter of Boeing.

But, unfortunately for Boeing and Airbus, C919 is formidable competition because the single aisle airplane market is yours to lose.

Here are a few more details of C919:

  • Detailed design to be completed in 2012,
  • Maiden flight in 2014,
  • On the market in 2014,
  • Fuel consumption  is 12 –  15% of that of similar planes,
  • Carbon emissions reduced by 50 %.

Hmm…, how many US jobs will be lost in this industry and its deep and wide supply chains?