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America is bankrupted because of Osama and al Qaeda May 3, 2011

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White House‘s John Brennan said yesterday that “al Qaeda is becoming increasingly bankrupt”.

Brennan may be correct to observe that al Qaeda is near bankruptcy, but what Brennan failed to mention was even more startling.

What he didn’t say yesterday was that

“America is also becoming increasingly bankrupt and Osama and al Qaeda are partially responsible.”


Because hundreds of billions of our tax money has been spent annually just to keep the United States “safe,” thanks to Osama and al Qaeda who were responsible for what happened on 9/11.

This was in addition to trillions of dollars that United States has spent on its defensive budget: most notably the war Obama escalated in Afghanistan and American’s increasingly failed effort to build a nation that’s friendly to the US.

You might be aware of this fact: before Obama took office, there were about 30,000 US troops in Afghanistan. The US now have more than 100,000 soldiers in Afghanistan chasing a few remnants of al Qaeda and other Osama-inspired fighters. All the while, the Obama administration tried very hard to give billions of our tax money to the so-called leaders of the Afghanistan government and many local tribe chiefs. The war has not been lost but the end is certainly not in sight. There is no light at the end of this dark and long tunnel. And there may never be any at all, no matter how many billions we give away and how many hundreds of billions we help them build highways, houses, schools, hospitals, water facilities and electricity infrastructures.

In addition, cities and counties all over the United States, plus every sea ports, airports and border entry points across the United States, have spent hundreds of billions of our tax money to beef up security for special events and to guard against illegal entries of terrorists.

All that money were used to keep the US “safe.” And yes, the United States has been safe since 9/11 and a few would-be suicide bombers have been caught over the years.

But at what cost?

Probably a few trillion dollars since 9/11. And more has to be budgeted in the years to come because Osama is now dead.

It is sad to say that even in his death, Osama continue to put a terrible financial and emotional burdens on United States and its citizens. This is kind like the magic headband (called 金箍圈 jin1 qu2 quan1″ on 孙悟空‘s “sun1 wu3 kong1” head which, with a chant (called 紧箍咒 jin3 gu2 zhou4″)  from his master 唐三藏 “tang2 san1 zang4,” will shrink and cause unbearable pain to the all mighty 孙悟空. It will make 孙悟空 obedient and do what his master asks him to do. In case you do not know, 孙悟空 is the Monkey King in the famous Chinese novel from Ming Dynasty西游记,” :xi1 you2 ji4″, The Journal to the West.

All joke and analogy aside, the more urgent question for all Americans to ponder is this:

“Will the United States be able to afford this kind of spending indefinitely?”

Because we all know that the terrorists, al Qaeda included with or without Osama, will not stop its attack on America simply because Osama is now dead?”

To probe this issue deeper, one has to ask this question:

“Are the trillions of dollars the US has spent since 9/11 to the type of investment which will keep the United States competitiveness against other countries in the world?”

The answer, of course, is “NO.”

It does not increase America’s competitiveness. It simply becomes an added cost to everything we do in this country. It makes the United States less competitive.

I do not believe in God but I will say this for the United States:

“God helps the United States.”

Because the US needs it to fend off al Qaeda and its god.