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Osama photos May 4, 2011

Posted by hslu in Uncategorized.
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Not releasing Osama photos with a bullet in his face is a matter of taste. It does not cause any more hatred against the America than kill the guy in the first place.

But what if Osama’s video surface again which may force Obama‘s hand into releasing it anyway.

If according to the Obama administration that releasing Osama’s photo will incite more hatred to the US and put US soldiers in harm’s way, why were liberals and main street media such as CBS, ABC and NBC tripped over each other to release the Abu Ghraib photos when Bush was the president?

Shouldn’t the main street media demand Obama releasing Osama’s picture now?

It just shows how bias the main street media is when it comes to Republicans.

By the way, I better be careful when typing Osama’s name. I don’t want to confuse Osama with Obama. There is only one letter that’s different in them. Of course, one is a last name and the other one is the first name.


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