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Trump 的小三要告他 March 8, 2018

Posted by hslu in Culture, 特朗普, 美國, Religion, Trump, 川普.
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Today’s America February 26, 2018

Posted by hslu in Culture, 美國, Social Issues.
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A picture is worth a thousand words. And this is a microcosm of today’S mighty America.

Form your own opinion, please.

Source: Fox News

Told you so February 23, 2018

Posted by hslu in China, Culture, 特朗普, 美國, Democracy, Social Issues.
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Yet another mass shooting in the United States of America. This time in Florida. It happened on 2/14/2018.

1. Weapon used.

Source: Wikipedia

2. What follows:

Yet another debate on gun control on news media.

3. On the right of the debate:

Wacko people kill people. Guns don’t.

Source: Yahoo News

4. On the left of the debate:

Protests in front of the White House and talk, talk, more talk and listening.

Source: SF Chronicle

5. Solution:

Let’s have more guns in school to “fire back if a savage sicko came to a school” if Trump has his way.

Source: SF Chronicle

6. The likely outcome:

美國槍比人多,無可救藥 February 17, 2018

Posted by hslu in Culture, 美國, Social Issues.
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用”家常便飯”來形容美國時常發生的大屠殺 (mass murder) 可能有點過分。顧名思義,”家常便飯”是天天在家吃的便飯,像青菜,蘿蔔,豆腐和肉絲之類的菜。而”大屠殺”就算常常發生,也不到這麽頻繁的地步。


美國人口:317 百萬

美國槍支:357 百萬 (Wa. Post 估計)


我們家從來沒有槍過。雖然我們曾經住過 Wyoming 和 Texas,美國最保守的兩個州,朋友也曾經邀請我去打靶練習,我都沒有想要擁有槍支和彈藥。我總覺得它是不詳之物。萬一有什麼事情發生,想要後悔是來不及的。

我們有一個朋友,他有一把手(氣)槍,還有一盒氣槍子彈 (每一個大概 3/8″ OD,3/4″ 長) 寄放在我們家。後來我們要搬家來臺灣的時候,把它交回去警察局了。雖然是一個氣槍,它還是蠻沉的,拿在手上很不習慣。






Killing fields in the U.S.? February 17, 2018

Posted by hslu in Culture, 美國, education, Social Issues.
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You send your kids to schools so they can learn something. At least you hope so.

In the United States where number of guns out number the population, schools have become killing fields for school children.

Here we are in the middle of the February of 2018. For many, love is in the air, malls are packed with guys looking for that last-minute magic gifts and roses are on sale for $10 a dozen at roadside stands. The United States has already had 17 shootings or incidents at or around American’s schools.

Source: CNBC web site.

Isn’t this a record-breaking statistics! And no where on earth but in the United States of machine guns and bullets.

Sad, isn’t it?

Gun debates? They come and go like yo-yos: when there is a mass murder, gund debates heat up in the Congress and in public. White House will make a statement or two. Then the arguments die down between two shootings because nobody really care about the issue. Until the next one happens either in schools, churches or casinos.

This is American culture and. An American tradition. You better get use to it because another is coming.

好市多 vs Costco January 14, 2018

Posted by hslu in Chinese Food, Culture, Life in Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, 台灣, 台北.
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you know Costco well. Been there many times. Spent thousands of dollars buying steaks, baby back ribs, chicken breasts, milk, eggs, paper plates. toilet tissues, breads, cakes, paper towers, cokes, bottled water, fertilzers, grass seeds, shoes, socks, underwears, candies, chips, fresh vegetables, fruits, shrimp cocktails, salmon, paper plates, plastic cups, ziplock bags, TVs, cameras, PCs. Laptops and a lot of other items.

    A variety of sushi is sold here in nice packages.

    The meat section is standard any where you go.

    Just your regular Costco interior.

    But, have you ever bought any of these items from Costco or 好市多, as it is called in Taiwan.

    Take a look:

    This dish is so good that a buhhda will jump over the wall to get a taste.

    Famous 江浙菜 called mei gan kou rou.


    Ramen Japanese style. Not instand noodle.

    Roast beef noodles Sichrun style.

    Lamb pot.

    Xiaolong bao.

    Mala soup.

    Pan fried beef cake.

    Northeast China sour cabbage hot pot.

    Ginger duck soup: very popular in the winter time.

    Braised beef briskets.

    Very expansive mixed seafood hot pot

    Fish head in clay pot. This picture looks bad.

    Braised pork belly.

    Lion’s heads: ground pork meat balls with Chinese cabbage.

    There you have it. Would you like to try them out? I haven’t.

    Not quite, Trump November 29, 2017

    Posted by hslu in Culture, 美國, 川普.
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    The eyes of the world now turn to Matt Lauer.

    Not tax reform.

    No end in sight? November 29, 2017

    Posted by hslu in Culture, 美國, Trump, 川普.
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    The dirty laundry continues to no end. It’s like the rag that wraps up rotten fish: 又臭又長,沒完沒了。

    No wonder. It begins from the guy in the White House (actually there had been a few starting way back in the 60’s) and kind of trickles down from there to the entire nation naturally. 

    It all makes perfect sense now. It is a distinguished trait of the country.

    Hm, what are other traits that come to mind?

    Divorces? Multiple marriages. Step siblings? “He’s not my father.”

    There is a good Chinese saying that describes this dirty mess fittingly:


    Yeah, this is the UNITED States (of mind) of America.

    門不當,戶不對 November 21, 2017

    Posted by hslu in Chinese Food, Culture, 美國, Social Issues.
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    怎麼都是白男? November 20, 2017

    Posted by hslu in Social Issues, Trump, 美國, Culture.
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