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Senator Murphy’s faulty logic November 22, 2015

Posted by hslu in Islam, Middle East, Military, Muslim, Religion.
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Senator C. Murphy, Dem.-Conn. is not making sense. He said that he opposed sending American ground troops to fight against ISIS for one simple reason:


Source: USA Today Opinion, Nov. 19, 2015.

He voiced his opinion in a USA Today opinion piece on Nov. 19, 2015.


However, Senator Murphy is not making sense at all! It appears that the good Senator from Connecticut thinks bombing ISIS and killing innocent muslims in Syria and Iraq will make ISIS hates the US less than killing them in the trenches.

What a joke, Senator C. Murphy!

Bombing ISIS will make them hide from American bombs and missiles  and will probably make them faking as displaced immigrants and move to a  safer place such as Europe and the US. They simply will wait it out for a latter date to make their moves.

It is easily understood that the biggest target for ISIS is the United States.

Bombing them will delay the attacks. Killing them all will prevent them.

This is common sense and the Senator from Connecticut just doesn’t get it.

A typical anti-war liberal.


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